Rabu, 02 November 2011


A.     Conclusion
                 Base on the researcher presented in the previous chapter, the writer would like to draw concludes as follow:
1.      Language is one of the tools of communication used by human being in their life. Without language, they cannot communicate each oth.er and they cannot also express their ideas of feeling.. many kinds of language, and one of international language is English in thing globalization era, so English is important and have to learn by people in the world notably by Indonesian people. Some expert to determine the exact method in English teaching conducts many efforts. The successful or not of the language teaching program frequently is evaluated from using on method, because of using method determines the material and teaching language.
2.      Listening is one of the language skills beside reading, speaking and writing. Listening is activity evidence by movement of the part of the get information from the person. Listening is the most frequently employed skill in daily language use. Research result very slightly, depending upon group studied, but on the average time spent in communicating divided into approximately 50% listening, 25% speaking, 15% reading and 10% writing. With the listening we understand what the person’s own perspective. Listening is an effort of a person to get information which he/she does by his/her ear, and course it must be done fully concentrated to what he/she listen in order to have accurate words, pronunciation, accents and intonation to get accurate meaning and clearly understanding to avoid misunderstanding among the speaker and listener.
3.      Base on the result of the research, teaching listening trough using audio lingual method in teaching listening can make the process of teaching listening skill more enjoyable and the students are able to make and respond to listen without feeling fear and shy.
B.       Suggestion
                 To teach English listening skill by using audio lingual method, teachers and student should have some ways as follows:
1.    Talking with friends, teachers, parents and other adult breadth to get feedback or turn taking each other to counter measure what we said and heard is understood each other. What had we listened same as the speaker meant. Explore the many source material to improve your listening and so speaking.
2.    In this learning student should be active use various audio media and should be recall and review. Write down if get the difficult words or sentences of the speaker talked.
3.     Another way to improve the listening skill
a)      Before you go to sleep read the listening book during listen the speaker.
b)      You have to listen English music and English movies frequently.
c)      More discuss and practices dialogues about some topic with your friend or other people to get the meaning clearly about the topic who had discussed.

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